A dream sales tool:
Know where your new customers are! Free or affordable!

Search the Land map to find where potential customers are looking for products like yours.
Screenshot of Requests

Works on web browsers. Requests support 170 currencies and 37 languages. Available in 190 countries.

It seems like Google Maps? No, it's flipped on its head.

Instead of showing stores, the Land map displays requests like help_center"I want this" or help_center"I need this". (favorite represents Doumos for thanks!)

Make an entry to a request to sell and you can conduct sales through messages, video meetings, or in-person visits. ChatGPT based AI dog, Happy-kun is here to assist you.

It can be used for B2C and B2B sales of new and used items, rentals, various jobs, and employment opportunities, but not for individual sales.

Beta testing. Seller registration is password-less!

We are developing a new technology to tackle economic inequality that realizes many sellers to increase sales, even at the same prices, while buyers can buy cheaper than before.


Image of the map and requests

In a project for respond and sell, search for requests such as "I want..." or receive automatically.


Image of entry

Make an entry to a request. Or, receive a direct request*1.

looks_3Ad or sell

Image of video session to sell

Provide ad or sell with message, video session, or Banban Board. Or invite to your shop.

Detailed usage

For sellers: The points and usage of Banban Board

Warranty and support are provided by the sellers. None by Requestland. Please use at your own risk. All things are hypothesis and we expect they will come true when there are enough number of users.

No fee for initial, monthly, per user, and contract

Business organizations will incur usage fees for amounts exceeding the free quota and for paid options for productivity. For example: Data costs $0.05 per month per 100 records.

You can decide entry fees yourself.

Non Profit Organizations (NPOs) and educational institutions receive a 50% discount compared to business organizations.

For sale, make an organization for sale. Verification of organization information is required. A branch or division can make an organization without the head-quarter's certification. Individuals may not sell.

No more rankings

Your worries about search rankings will disappear with less discount competition.

No search rankings or ratings here. Only a small number of sellers, no more than four, will be selected from the entries. This gives you more sales opportunities and prevents discount competition, while ensuring buyers' freedom and enjoyment of choice. Use your time and effort for your customers instead of hustling on social media. It is highly efficient because you can handle message sessions and serve video recordings for multiple customers in your spare time.

So ?

As a social startup from universities, our technology prioritizes maximizing buyer convenience and increasing revenue and profit opportunities for all sellers, rather than maximizing platform profits. We aim to contribute to a sustainable economic system that addresses economic inequality. Additionally, we are committed to creating employment opportunities that leverage individuals' unique senses and empathy, even in the face of job displacement by AI.

Share it

When to use Requestland

blockDon't do for

  • Sales or contact the buyer outside Requestland. It's OK that you are contacted from the buyer.
  • Free and low-priced accommodation, drive sharing, babysitters, or child-sitters.
  • Labor below the minimum wage.
  • Starting a solo business on Requestland because of instability.
  • Much more on the ban list. Please confirm.

The points for sellers

Press to enlarge

See where your new customers are!

Search Requestland for business opportunities. You can find requests that want your products or services.
Screenshot of the land map with requests
Illustration of a push cart
Start without product registration
You can say "how about this?" to a buyer who wants it. Use your existing or link payment method.
Illustration of use for free
Use for free
You can decide entry fees. No entry fee would be OK. The pricing of options fits your country's price level.
Illustration of a family
Opportunities come into phone
Receivers automatically receive requests. The free receiver can contain 10 keywords, which is enough in most cases.
Contribute to the hometown
A receivers can receive requests on up to 16 addresses or in a box area, near or far.
Illustration of good morning
Goodbye ratings!
No ratings. No rankings. So, have good mornings! Doumo is the buyer's feedback for thanks and recommendation.
Illustration of a cook and a waitress
Traditional and online
Also good for expensive products or require a meeting such as construction, trying out at your shop.
Offer in message or video sessions
You will be happy to contribute to realizing customers' requests. Recorded videos are also OK.
Illustration of Banban Board with sales
Offer and think on Banban Board
While talking, drag and drop products from your online shop to shared Banban Board. Think together.
No need to keep company for long
Drag products from your online shop to message sessions to send as offer cards. Customers think for themselves and order with the buy button.
Illustration of handing a product
Sell remotely in COVID-19 age
Receive orders on messages, video, or Banban Board then ship them or schedule a pick-up at your shop. Reduce long stay in the shop.
Illustration of a business man
Versatile. One place
The Land is general purpose, so just ask your customers to use this one.
Purchase funnel
All from lead discovery to selling
Seamless sales process from finding new customers to meeting, shared note, quoting, and selling.
Illustration of in trouble
Receive leads at the beginning
Make entries to requests such as "Oh, I'm in trouble". Also, it's a good tool for the job theory.
Rich tools for in-house use
You can use in-house messages, video meeting, note/file sharing, task management.
Social medias
Notes to draft → Share or send direct messages quickly
WhatsApp, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Slack, Discord, Telegram, LINE, X, Youtube, Bluesky, Threads, and Reddit.
Branding with a Land domain name
Getting land domain names for organizations is first come, first served. (Keep one now)
Branding with firm's logo and color
All users can share firm's title and theme. (option in plan)
Illustration of a family
Improve local economy and your income
Talk with buyers. Make added value your income.
Purchase with the buyers' motivation

Selling from you rarely work, right? The requests are purchases motivated by customers themselves. They are chances. The more shops participate, the stronger the ability to attract customers.

Prevents discount competition, gives you much chance

Even if the number of entries is many, sellers are randomly selected up to the number specified by the buyer (up to four). The small number prevents discount competition and gives you much chance. The selection is done by weighted random numbers with entry fees. You can have expectation even with small entry fees. There's no problem of AI such that your destiny is determined with others' past behavior and opaqueness.

DX, SX, and remote sales

Reduce CO2 emissions with local sales on the land map. Meet new customers in digital transformation.

We need your help

Due to the pandemic, so so many people have lost their lives or jobs. No time to lose.

As requests increase, users will gather and it will become a secure and convenient place for remote purchases and sales. You can use it for free and your privacy will be protected.

Sellers, please setup a receiver to receive requests that request your products automatically. When making an entry to a request, please write a new request for a purchase or procurement of your own.

Thanks! 👍

Follow updates and share for COVID-19.
Follow us
  • Expected to become available when the Land has enough users.
  • The more requests you write and people you invite, the faster Requestland will ramp up.
  • *1 Option under development.
Beta testing

All content on this site is in the hypothesis stage and will be available once a sufficient number of users is reached. The data displayed includes samples. There are various issues and limitations. Service suspension, data exposure, or data loss may occur.
Your data and personal information are stored on cloud servers located worldwide to ensure quick and secure access. However, it may not comply with the privacy protection or internet security laws of your country such as GDPR. Please use the platform at your own risk.

Warranty and Support by the Sellers

The warranty and support for products are provided by the sellers. Every trade carries risks, so it is important to verify the trustworthiness of the seller. Before placing an order, carefully review their warranty and return policy on their public profile.

In the event of any issues, please communicate with each other and find a solution. You can find the seller's phone number on their public profile.

If you have been deceived, report the incident immediately to your local police along with the seller's IP address (press the IP address button in the message session). Additionally, press the "Report Improper Use" button in the message to inform us.

Increase employee wages

The fundamental principle of Requestland in tackling economic disparity is to "raise the income of all employees," by boosting sales opportunities for smaller shops and companies, as well as larger businesses. However, if these higher revenues don't benefit the employees, this project falls short. So, businesses that gain from Requestland are requested to increase employees' wages. Additionally, we strictly prohibit paying workers less than the local minimum wage.

Best Effort, No Support

Contracts and sales are conducted between users, and Requestland is not involved. Requestland does not provide any support. Please use the platform at your own risk. However, this does not mean that the platform is lawless. We have a zero-tolerance policy for unauthorized use. We are monitoring information that is shared outside of your organization.

Deletion of organizations

In order to efficiently use resources, an organization will be deleted after 4 months of inactivity or non-payment for Land IDs or other paid options, even if data still exists.

  • security About your privacy

    Requestland uses your location information provided by your device or estimated from your IP address for trades. Your public information displays country and state/prefecture.

    During a message session, your name, country and state/prefecture, your public profile and IP address are disclosed. Seller/Provider's Land ID is also displayed. (Generally, on an email you can see the peer's IP address.)

    More more detail read our privacy policy.

  • clear Deletion of user and withdrawal from Requestland

    If you delete a user, you will not be able to sign in and access your data. The Land name will be deleted immediately.

    Because messages, comments, and quotes you sent were copied to your peer, they can continue to read them. Your obligations to payment and provision of products will not disappear.

    Subscriptions of paid options will be canceled. You won't be refunded for the billing period during which you cancel.

    Withdrawal from Requestland will be done when you delete the individual user and all organizational users you are having. Organization accounts can be deleted only by administration users.

    User accounts and organizations that have not been signed in for more than {{month}} months may be deleted without notice.